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Black Lives Matter: be an ally in the art world

Artists, archives, and accounts which you can start supporting now

After George Floyd was killed by white police officers in Minneapolis on May 25, the world was shaken to acknowledge the horrific acts of injustice that happen every day all over the world.

Since 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement has been fighting to bring justice, healing, and freedom to Black people across the globe but issues of injustice, systemic racism, and white supremacy have been around in our society since the beginning.

These issues are have also been entrenched in the art world through the structure of museums, galleries, and arts organisations, as well as the recognition of Black artists and their work.

The Gallyry not only stands up against this injustice in our society and the art world but will be actively working towards making sure that we support and represent more BIPOC creatives across our online magazine, exhibitions, and social media.

Although the list of people who you can support in the Black creative community is endless, this article aims to spotlight some artists, archives, and accounts which you can start supporting and following now.

Let’s continue to educate ourselves, continue to fight, and continue to support because Black Lives Matter. And if you don’t know where to start, start here.

Artists you’ll love

Archives to browse

Accounts to follow

Please get in touch at if you have any suggestions or ways The Gallyry can support further.


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